Photo gallery: Ghost B.C.

Sacrilegious Swedish rockers Ghost — recently renamed Ghost B.C. in North America for boring legal reasons — returned to the Corona Theatre last night, site of their first performance in Montreal in January 2012. We couldn’t resist sending Cindy Lopez into the fray to capture their rites and regalia.

Ghost B.C., at the Corona Theatre last night. Photos by Cindy Lopez

Sacrilegious Swedish rockers Ghost — recently renamed Ghost B.C. in North America for boring legal reasons — last night returned to the Corona Theatre , the site of their first performance in Montreal in January 2012. Even though our trusted heaviosity expert Johnson Cummins was less than jazzed about last year’s show (after loving their debut album Opus Eponymous), we couldn’t resist sending Cindy Lopez  into the fray to capture their rites and regalia.

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