Wednesday, Feb. 20

* Conference on local cultural heritage
* Collision 9 vernissage at Parisian Laundry
* Yelp and Blue Skies Turn Black mixer & open mic
* Antonioni’s Zabriskie Point screens
* Éducation pour tous! demonstration
* Hilotrons and Yellow Jacket Avenger play Casa

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Zabriskie Point

Projet Montréal has organized an evening conference on Montreal’s cultural heritage, entitled Montréal, un patrimoine à preserver. The event features French-language presentations by experts in local history and architecture, followed by a screening of Scott MacLeod’s Dans L’Griff, a documentary about the changing face of Griffintown. Montreal Art Centre (1844 William), conference at 5:30 p.m., film screening at 7 p.m., free, but please RSVP to confirm attendance

The vernissage for Collision 9, the annual exhibition by Concordia and UQAM MFA art students, is happening tonight at Parisian Laundry. Swing by to check out work by newly minted grads Marie-Eve Beaulieu, Marie Dauverné, Candice Davis, Paul Hardy, Jenna Meyers, Mélanie Perreault, Caroline St-Laurent and Étienne Tremblay-Tardif. 3550 St-Antoine W., 6-8 p.m., free

You could play some music tonight at Il Motore, but if you find yourself particularly uncoordinated when it comes to playing an instrument, you can try your hand at Mad Libs instead at this Yelp and Blue Skies Turn Black mixer. Il Motore (179 Jean-Talon W.), 6–8 p.m., free

There’s a big gathering and demonstration planned for today, outside the offices of the Commission scolaire de Montréal. The protest, called Éducation pour tous! is in favour of universal free education for all, and the event is described as “family friendly.” 3737 Sherbrooke E., 6:30-8:30 p.m., free

Poppy, danceable Ottawa indie rock outfit the Hilotrons play Casa tonight, with support from Yellow Jacket Avenger. 4873 St-Laurent, 8:30 p.m., $10

Michelangelo Antonioni’s ultra-trippy Zabriskie Point screens at Cinéma du Parc. 3575 Parc, 9 p.m., $11.50

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.

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