Overheard at Comiccon

Montreal’s official geekend (ugh!) came to a close last night, and while attendees delighted the eyes with their creative costumes — from the sweetest lil’ baby Yoda to a gender-bending Clockwork Orange gang — we kept our ears peeled, too. Here are the choicest quotes from the cavalcade of characters.

Fans at Comiccon. Photo by Susan Moss (full gallery below).

Montreal’s official geekend (ugh!) came to a close last night, and while attendees delighted the eyes with their creative costumes — from the sweetest lil’ baby Yoda to a gender-bending Clockwork Orange gang — we kept our ears peeled, too. Here are the choicest quotes from the cavalcade of characters.

• Take my picture with Vader! I know he’s a fake Vader, but other people won’t know that.

• There’s really nothing here that you can’t get at Canadian Tire.
(Doctor Who, in reference to his elaborate Dalek)

• – Shouldn’t that be Le Batman?
-Don’t you follow politics?
-Yes. And it should be Homme Chauve-Souris.

• It’s official. Bane is the new Joker.

• A Batmobile photo! Everyone’s gotta do it once. That’s the beast.
(Two young men holding Chucky and Bride of Chucky dolls)

• Is that Sub-Zero in the Mystery Machine?

• Omigod, I had this!
(Multiple men at multiple stands of comic books)

• I just totally busted a Klingon picking his nose.

• -Have you noticed that like all the celebrities signing stuff are dudes?
-I don’t know. What about those Hype energy drink models?

• Even the hand dryers are from the future.
(Two older ladies in the women’s washroom, marveling at the high-speed hand dryer.)

• Oh crap, it’s Pyramid Head!

• Mackenzie! Quentin! Don’t touch! Don’t touch it! Don’t touch! Don’t touch! You’d better not touch it! Don’t touch!
(Wonder Woman in the Mega Blocks play centre)

• What the hell is a Sch… a Strum… Well anyway, they’re Smurfs.
(Guy checking out t-shirts for Les Schtroumpfs)

• I saw you flirting with that Borg! Don’t deny it.
(Woman yelling on the phone)

• Spock just asked me for directions. ■

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